Giko 1400 Surgical N95 Mask: A Comprehensive Review efficacy and quality

Giko 1400 Surgical N95 Mask: A Comprehensive Review


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE) has never been more crucial. Among the various types of PPE available on the market, N95 face masks have gained widespread attention due to their effectiveness in reducing the transmission of the virus. Giko 1400 is one such N95 face mask that has recently gained popularity due to its features and affordability. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive review of the Giko 1400 surgical N95 mask, including its effectiveness, appearance, practicality, security, and price.


The Giko 1400 surgical N95 mask is designed to provide wearers with an effective barrier against particles andviruses, including both large droplets and smaller aerosol particles. The mask features a 510K clearance, which means it is suitable for use in high-level medical environments. The mask is made from non-woven materials that are known for their ability to filter out small particles, and the breathable design allows wearers to easily breathe through the mask.

Appearance and Practicability

The Giko 1400 surgical N95 mask is available in a white color and has a flat fold shape mask, which is ideal for easy storage and disposal. The mask is designed to be comfortable for extended wear, and the elastic headband ensures that the mask stays securely in place. Additionally, the mask comes individually wrapped, which makes it convenient for wearers to have a backup mask available in case they need to replace their current one.


The Giko 1400 surgical N95 mask is made from materials that are known for their high level of security, including medical-grade non-woven materials and a filter layer that is designed to prevent small particles from entering the mask. The mask is also validated by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for use in healthcare settings, which adds to its credibility.


Giko 1400 is an affordable option for those who require N95 face masks for their work or daily life. The mask is priced at a relatively low cost compared to other high-end medical face masks, making it an attractive choice for those who want to protect themselves and their loved ones from the virus.


The Giko 1400 surgical N95 mask is designed to last for a long time, and the non-woven materials used in its construction are known for their durability. Wearers can expect this mask to last for several years, which makes it a valuable investment for those who need to wear it on a regular basis.


In conclusion, the Giko 1400 surgical N95 mask is an effective and affordable option for those who need to protect themselves and their loved ones from the virus. Its high-level security, breathable design, and comfortable fit make it an excellent choice for those who are looking for a reliable and durable N95 face mask.
surgical n95 mask

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