Wearing an N95 Face Mask as a Nail Technician: Tips to Keep Yourself Safe

Working as a nail technician is one of the most exciting jobs out there. Unfortunately, it can also be one of the most dangerous if you don’t take the proper precautions to protect yourself and your clients from spreading or catching infections like colds, the flu, and even certain skin diseases like ringworm and staph infections. An easy way to protect yourself without sacrificing quality or your work flow is to make sure you always wear an N95 face mask while you work on your clients’ nails.
Why You Should Wear One
When you’re exposed to chemicals, even in small doses, your skin absorbs them easily. Over time, using these products can make you more susceptible to infections and sicknesses. Wearing an N95 face mask as a nail technician is important for protecting yourself from diseases like staph infections and fungal infections. These masks fit snugly over your nose and mouth so that dust and chemicals don’t get through. It’s also important to wear gloves when working with chemicals, because they protect your hands from absorbing toxins. Make sure you buy gloves designed specifically for nail technicians!
How To Select An N95 Mask
Wearing a protective mask is necessary for people who are exposed to potentially infectious particles such as dust, germs, chemicals and allergens. To protect yourself from airborne contaminants during your next manicure or pedicure session you’ll need to select one of these masks that cover at least 95% of your face. The 10 tips below will help you select one of these masks so that you can keep yourself safe while working on someone else’s nails. Look for NIOSH Approval – The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has approved several different types of respirators including some disposable ones like those used by nail technicians. When looking at a potential mask make sure it has been approved by NIOSH.
How To Properly Put On An N95 Mask
Your entire body should be covered, including your hair. It’s okay if it’s not perfect, but if you can see anywhere (other than your eyes), you need to adjust it. There are two sets of straps – one on each side – that fasten around your ears. They should lay flat against your face, not pulled too tight or too loose. Leave plenty of room for airflow in front of and behind your mouth; remember to breathe through your nose! The mask should rest just below your chin. The mask is meant to protect from particles in air, so make sure there is no gap between your skin and the mask when you inhale or exhale. If there is a gap, tighten up those straps! You may want to practice putting on and taking off your mask before wearing it during an outbreak. That way you won’t feel rushed when trying to put it on quickly during an emergency situation.
Where To Buy An N95 Mask
You can get an N95 mask pretty much anywhere where there is respiratory protection required. It comes in different sizes so make sure you pick one that fits well. The first time I wore mine, I actually had to take it off after a few minutes because my eyes were watering so badly. So definitely try on before buying if possible! Tips for wearing an N95 mask as a nail tech: It will feel like wearing a big piece of tape over your mouth and nose but once you get used to it, it’s not too bad.
Some Important Precautions
Before you wear your mask, it’s important to prepare yourself. You don’t want any tiny strands of hair or loose clothing getting stuck in between your face and your mask. Also, make sure there aren’t any small tears in it so you don’t risk infecting yourself. When you put on your mask, be careful not to cover up any areas that need ventilation. For example, if you have glasses, be sure they are uncovered so air can still get through them. If you have long hair, make sure it is tucked away from your face before putting on your mask.

3 thoughts on “Wearing an N95 Face Mask as a Nail Technician: Tips to Keep Yourself Safe

  1. Mariel Z. says:

    I consider this article very educating and allows non technical people to understand how disposable masks can protect them. I would like to ask for your permission to translate it into Spanish to be able to share it with my contacts.

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