UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator description

UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator: The Ultimate Solution for Professional Health and Safety


In today’s fast-paced world, professional health and safety standards have never been more important. With the ongoing pandemic, it is crucial to have the right equipment to protect yourself and others fromparticulates and viruses. One of the most reliable and effective solutions available is the UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator.

Key Features

The UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator is designed to provide the highest level of protection against particulates and viruses. Here are some of its key features:

1. FFP3 Filtering: The SH1730V is equipped with an FFP3 filter, which provides the highest level of particle filtering. This filter captures 95% of 0.3 microns and 99.97% of 0.2 microns, ensuring that even the tiniest particles are filtered out.
2. NR Valve: The SH1730V features a NR valve, which allows for better air flow and breathability. This is especially important for those who are exercising or working for long periods.
3. D Valve: The D valve on the UniAIR SH1730V is designed to distribute air evenly across the face, providing a more comfortable and balanced fit.
4. Professional Grade: The SH1730V is made from high-quality materials and is designed for professional use. It is perfect for use in industrial settings, healthcare facilities, and other professional settings.
5. Easy to Use: The UniAIR SH1730V is incredibly user-friendly. The ergonomic design and simple valve operation make it easy to get used to in a matter of minutes.

Durability and Effectiveness

The UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator is built to last. The high-quality materials used in its construction ensure that it can withstand the demands of professional use. The SH1730V has a filter lifespan of 30,000 and the valve lifespan is 25,000, providing long-lasting performance.

The effectiveness of the UniAIR SH1730V is further proven by its FFP3 filter, which captures 95% of 0.3 microns and 99.97% of 0.2 microns. This means that even the tiniest particles are filtered out, providing the highest level of protection against particulates and viruses.

Practicability and Value for Money

The UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator is an investment in your health and safety. With its high-quality construction and effective FFP3 filter, you can rest assured that you are getting the best possible protection for your money. The SH1730V is also lightweight and comfortable to wear, making it easy to use in a variety of settings.


The UniAIR SH1730V FFP3 NR D Valved Respirator is the ultimate solution for professional health and safety. Its high-quality construction, FFP3 filter, NR valve, and D valve provide the highest level of protection against particulates and viruses. Its ease of use and affordability make it an excellent investment for anyone looking to protect themselves and others from the threat of viruses and particulates.
uniair sh1730v ffp3 nr d valved respirator

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