The Harley S-188N Surgical N95 Face Mask is designed for surgical use and features a number

The Harley S-188N Surgical N95 Face Mask is designed for surgical use and features a number of unique features that make it an ideal choice for professionals looking to protect themselves and their patients from particulates and viruses. This face mask has a number of different versions, including industrial version of medical version and white , medical and white models , specifications and features of each version has different .

One of the key features of the Harley S-188N is its N95 flat fold shape mask. This allows the mask to be easily and quickly folded and unfolded, making it easy to use and store. Additionally, the mask features a one-size-fits-all design and is made from premium materials that are both durable and comfortable.

Another important feature of the Harley S-188N is its Niosh certification. This means that the mask has been tested and meets the highest standards for air filtration and effectiveness, making it an excellent choice for professionals who are looking for the highest level of protection.

In addition to its Niosh certification, the Harley S-188N is also designed to be effective at protecting against a range of particulates and viruses. The mask features a multiple-layered construction that includes a facial filter that is designed to capture large particles and a viral barrier that is designed to prevent the transmission of viruses.

The Harley S-188N is also available in a number of different sizes and styles, including a flowers masks, dust prevention masks dust-proof flowers and medical masks?. can choose according to the different needs of different versions .

?,Harley S-188N is also very cost-effective. It offers the same level of protection as N95masks, but at a much lower cost. This makes it an excellent choice for professionals who are looking for the highest level of protection without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, the Harley S-188N is an excellent choice for professionals who are looking for a high-quality surgical N95 face mask that is effective at protecting against particulates and viruses. Its Niosh certification, multiple-layered construction, and cost-effective price make it an excellent investment for anyone looking to protect themselves and their patients from the dangers of particulates and viruses.
n95 mask

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