Protecting Your Nose When Wearing An N95 Mask

If you’re sick, one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting others sick is to wear an N95 mask. An N95 mask will help filter the air so that it doesn’t spread germs, and you can breathe better while wearing it than you could if you were just to cover your mouth with your hand. But how do you make sure that your nose doesn’t get pinched when wearing an N95 mask? Wearing an N95 mask might make you feel like you’re in a medical drama, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be comfortable! You can find plenty of masks that protect you from harmful airborne particles while still fitting comfortably over your nose and mouth. The key is to choose the right mask for your situation, whether it’s used to protect yourself from airborne pathogens or just to help you breathe more easily at the gym or while running outdoors.

You may wear an N95 mask to keep yourself safe from airborne infections and diseases while you’re at work or when you need to be around people who are sick. But did you know that even when you are wearing the right type of mask, it’s possible to get sick? This is especially true if you aren’t taking proper care of your nose while wearing the mask, since your nasal area can be exposed to pathogens. If you want to take proper care of your nose when wearing an N95 mask, follow these tips.

Fold Your Mask Correctly
You should wear your mask with a surgical or bandage clip to keep it snugly around your face. When you breathe, make sure you inhale from your nose and exhale through your mouth, so that you don’t pull in air from outside of your mask. Tilt your head forward slightly so that no excess pressure is placed on either side of your nose, keeping it healthy and preventing irritation.

Don’t Wear Glasses with the Mask
Wearing glasses with an N95 mask may lead to fogging of your lenses, which can make it difficult for you to see. Even if you wear contact lenses, try not to wear them with a respirator. Instead, switch to glasses or goggles specifically designed for use with masks. In addition, avoid wearing headbands that may come into contact with your nose and remove hair if possible.

Take Breaks from Wearing the Mask
It’s not safe to wear a respirator mask for more than 8 hours per day. To protect your nose and mouth, it’s important to take breaks from wearing a respirator mask as often as possible. For every four hours of use, take 15 minutes off without wearing one. This will reduce any potential damage caused by wearing a respirator mask too long.

Get Help from Others
If you have large hair, a beard, or large ears (or any other aspect of your face that can block your nose when wearing a mask), then it’s possible you won’t be able to breathe easily through your nose. If that sounds like you, look for a respirator mask with a prefilter—this is essentially a built-in beard bib made out of soft cotton or fabric.

1 thoughts on “Protecting Your Nose When Wearing An N95 Mask

  1. GARY M. says:

    N95 filter masks (without cartridges) are also made use of for security from viruses in clinical atmospheres, but research study done over the last decade states that’s not required. Why aren’t masks that obstruct a lot smaller fragments not needed for medical use? Is it a matter of expense of finer material?

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