N95 Tips

How long can I wear the N95 mask?

Indeed, there is no clear rule on how long to wear the N95 mask, but when the mask is dirty, damaged, or feels difficult to breathe, leave the contaminated area and replace it with a new mask.
According to the CDC, practical experience shows that N95 masks can be used continuously or intermittently for 8 hours to maintain the effect. Whether they can be used for a long time depends on whether the N95 mask is dirty, whether it can continue to be sealed, and whether it affects breathing. Not suggest reusing N95 once damage or dirty found.

What to do after using N95 mask?

It should be discarded directly into the covered garbage bin after use.

How to wear N95 masks correctly?

  1. Wash your hands and keep your hands clean;
  2. Do fit testing before wear for a long time during work or travel.
  3. With the nosepiece facing away from you, hold the bottom strap in each hand with the nosepiece up.
  4. Pull the top strap over your head resting it high at the top of your head.
  5. Place the fingertips of both hands at the top of the metal nosepiece. Mold the nosepiece to the shape of your nose by pushing inwards while moving your fingertips down both sides of the nosepiece. Pinching the respirator nosepiece using only one hand may result in less effective respirator performance. Use two hands.
  6. The seal of the respirator on the face should be fit checked prior to entering the work area.
  • Cover the front of the respirator with both hands, being careful not to disturb the position of the respirator.
  • Exhale sharply. If air flows around the nose, readjust the nosepiece as described in step 5. If air leaks at the respirator edges, work the straps back along the side of your head. If you cannot achieve a proper fit, do not enter the contaminated area. See your supervisor.
  • If no leakage or detected, then the work process.

Note it is very important to press the nosepiece firmly to the face to form a good seal.

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