Category Archives: News

Wear An Extra Large N95 Mask to Protect Yourself: Three People Die from Pneumonia of Unknown Origin in Argentina

Wear An Extra Large N95 Mask to Protect Yourself Outside It is unknown what this pneumonia is, but it doesn’t seem to be caused by either COVID or the flu. To protect yourself outside, you should wear a RespoKare N95 Mask to block airborne viruses. Make sure to wash your hands and keep other surfaces […]

Why You Need a Protective N95 Dust Mask for Wildfire Season

Every year, the state of California faces massive fires that wreak havoc on communities and destroy property. But there’s something you can do to protect yourself in the event of wildfire smoke — get an N95 dust mask (or disposable respirator) and wear it every time you go outside during fire season! Here’s why you […]

Why is a N95 better than a cloth mask at this time?

Experts advise adopting harsher masks, such as N95 or KN95, to enhance protection against the highly contagious Omicron form. Linsey Marr, a professor of virology at Virginia Tech, emphasized the significance of this given that health care systems are under strain and people spend extended amounts of time in high-risk areas like as crowded indoor […]

The Advantages of Wearing a N95 Respirator When Welding.

Welders are the individuals who are responsible for joining two pieces of metal together by applying a temperature that is very high. They provide a major contribution, which is important to the functioning of the social infrastructure. During the process of welding, it emits poisonous chemicals that are harmful to their bodies and their working […]

The N95 masks are the best mask for Covid-19. That’s why

Many experts urged individuals to convert from cloth or surgical masks to the more protective N95 and KN95 masks as health officials tried to limit the spread of the highly dangerous Omicron form. The current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mask guidelines do not specifically endorse one mask over another, but rather state […]

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